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The winner from the play end Febr. 7, 2008 are:1 prize: Peggie 1182 prize: Ottawarocket3 prize: Walkingbear564 prize: Beatnik Manfred5 prize: Austinplace6 prize: Walkingbear567 prize: joebro18 prize: Peggie1189 prize: Joss Loner10 prize: Aergerdichnicht11 prize: rffibanner12 prize: meredumais13 prize: spotwoodhenevt14 prize: shotgummaniacCongratulation to the winner,please make your choice and tell me your address.Thanks, janokFebruary 2008Election time in Alberta, this is the Albertans thought, this is what your candidate has to promise you.I learned the deep Albertans wishes for the upcoming Alberta election February 2008.1.) Human and Children Right for all AlbertansAlso, the Right to get a fair court procedure without court manipulation by some bullying high paid people;Also, the Rights to get a court decision in written and signed form by the Judge who makes the decision, in a short time, so the person can go to the Appeal court in a fast time;Also, you will get the court decision per registered letter;Also the Judges have to listen to you and cannot make a Judge Order to the wishes from some bullying and lying "professional" people with out speaking to you, but the Judges have to took to you first;Also the Judges have to read all Affidavits and not only listen to a lawyer with the best fairytale or lie;Also the Judge will get Every paper assessment or security paper automatically without making a please, please to some lying child services people and the Judge have to read all this paper and is full responsible for his Judgement.Also Every meeting with Child Service people is to record with a copy to all meeting members and nobody can change the facts and the "processionals" can never more bully innocent Albertans;Also Every Child from the Baby to the age of18 year's hat the right to see a doctor for children's psychology from the moment some things are happens to them, paid by the government of Alberta and the government minister can be never more say again ha, ha this is not covered by Alberta Health.Also Every Child has the right to hold his birth name and his birth date by an adoption, this that sister and brother cannot go married and have to adopt children out healthy families to kill healthy families.Also, Every grandparents have the right to see the grandchildren in a manner to the happiness from the children. The grandparents have the right to protect the grandchildren against some primitive Heritage by sick people. Grandparents have the right to give the grandchildren presents to birthdays, Easter, Christmas and special days. Grandparents have the right to read with the grandchildren the bible, the old testament or the Koran. Grandparents have the right to celebratewith the grandchildren the culture the belonging to them.2.) Health's care for all Albertans.Also free Dentist for all repairs on the original teeth or removing them. This will save in the long time the Alberta Health Region around 30%-40% on Health care cost. You will see the effect of cost saving after one year, but cost saving on Healthcare and business cost for losing time and good workers for a healthy Alberta economy.Also free Health care for Every Albertans incl. all recommended operations and all recommended Medicine this will save the Health care system and the city and the Alberta economy in long-time around 20%. For extreme activities, the people have to run a private insurance.3.) Protecting the drinking water.Also, protecting the drinking water for us and the following generations, because any water is not drinking water.4.) Protecting the environment.Also, protecting the environment by getting the air clean by using the right power producer, holding the water clean and providing a healthy forest for us and the following generation.5.)Affordable housing for Every one.All Albertans can now take the challenge to work together and make Alberta to the place to live, his by electing only the candidates with an real ethic and the promise to bring this five-point program to life.Think about this, wake up and make your own decision, you deserve this and our children and grandchildren too.more? click here:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vj-XP7f...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kDjK0Ec...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sAxQ4HL...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uHoIMUu...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=WKYIdtZ...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sGe2qdG...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LJQ43JG...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ARRdS3W...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9NPZ8tw...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DLqTFhl...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fY5pzH1...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wjWiDOH...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MGmXmy9...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hcgwHa1...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cV2Mz1G...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aQu_l0s...-------http://artbyjanok.com/
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